Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up Your Liver

It’s not just our homes and offices that get bogged down by a messy accumulation of stuff. Our bodies and minds can get bogged down too. Marie Kondo has a protocol for decluttering a space – start with clothes. When it comes to the body, start with the liver.

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Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM

🩸 Period Pain Is Not Normal + Tests for Endometriosis

One of the most common themes I hear in my practice is painful periods. In our culture we have come to expect that periods and pain go together. Period pain is common, very common, but it is not normal. Pain is a symptom that I keep track of for all my patients, no matter what their ultimate goal is, and is a symptom that tells us if we are moving in the right direction for other hormone-related concerns.

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Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM Anne Chiaramonte, MS, LAc, FABORM

Hormones 101: What You Didn't Learn in Sex Ed (FREE Webinar 10/26/22 @ 12:00pm)

Has it been decades since you learned about the "birds and the bees?" Knowing how babies are made can shed a lot of light on hormones even when you're not looking to have a baby. The truth is, most of us never formally learned about the menstrual cycle and the fluctuating hormones that rise and fall each month. In this 30-minute fun and fact-filled webinar, we will discuss the major hormone players in the menstrual cycle like estrogen and progesterone. We'll touch upon painful periods, heavy periods, PMS and symptoms of menopause. Everyone is welcome . This is a FREE event!

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