& Postpartum
Acupuncture Is a Safe, Effective Prenatal and Postnatal Treatment
Early Pregnancy Support
Women are encouraged to receive weekly acupuncture treatments through their first trimester. Weekly visits offer much-needed reassurance during an exciting and tenuous time as well as support for physical symptoms such as morning sickness.
For women who have experienced one or many miscarriages, laying down the foundation for a healthy pregnancy is paramount. Very often a miscarriage happens because an embryo is not genetically viable. However, there are other reasons for miscarriage. We look at risk factors such as autoimmunity and hormone balance and address these before a woman plans to conceive again.
Pre-birth treatments
Weekly acupuncture treatments are recommended beginning at week 36. Treatments help to gently ripen the cervix and address physical and emotional issues such as hemorrhoids, back pain and anxiety. Useful acupuncture points are located on the arms and legs and patients are shown how to apply acupressure at home for self-care.
Breech presentation
Acupuncture and moxa (heat therapy) can be used with best success between weeks 32-35 to help turn your baby. Treatments can be given after 35 weeks, but the baby will increasingly have less room to move and, therefore, there is less likely a chance that treatment will turn the baby. Patients are instructed how to use a moxa stick at home for one course of treatment (10 days).
Labor induction
Labor induction with acupuncture can be very successful, especially if treatments are given in a gentle, progressive fashion. “Labor induction” with acupuncture is not a single event as it is with conventional intervention. “Labor support” more appropriately describes the role of acupuncture around birth. Weekly treatments are recommended from week 36 to gently ripen the cervix. Microcurrent, “e-stim,” can be added to stimulate contractions a few days before a scheduled induction with pitocin. Each woman’s health history and experience with previous births is taken into account to fine-tune the treatment plan.
Postpartum support
From the baby blues to low milk supply, acupuncture is a wonderful modality for new mothers. Motherhood can be isolating, especially in the beginning with a newborn child. Talk to us about your experience.
Common Conditions
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
Miscarriage prevention
Morning sickness
Gestational diabetes
Gestational hypertension
Back pain
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pre-birth preparation
Cervical ripening
Labor Induction
Low milk supply
Postpartum depression/anxiety
Do you have more questions before getting started?
Are you ready to schedule your first appointment?
Anne Chiaramonte, M.S., L.Ac., FABORM, is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist (2004) and a board-certified fellow in acupuncture reproductive medicine (2009). Anne’s particular interest in women’s health led her to Australia to study with Jane Lyttleton, author of “Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine” and to San Francisco to work with Lifang Liang, author of “Acupuncture and IVF.” In 2009, Anne became part of one of the country’s first on-site acupuncture programs at an IVF clinic, located at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco.
Anne founded Arrive Reproductive Medicine as a unique acupuncture practice dedicated to supporting women with cycle-related concerns, fertility challenges and burnout. When she’s not in the clinic seeing patients, you can find Anne listening to podcasts while doing water aerobics, juggling parenting responsibilities or snuggling with her two boys.