Health & Wellness
The Applications of Chinese Medicine Are Many
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest holistic medical systems. Acupuncture is one modality within this system – it is not the system itself. TCM has evolved over thousands of years as a result of a continual process of critical thinking. It is a rational body of knowledge that understands symptoms only in their relationship to the whole individual, hence making it a “holistic” system. Rather than chasing individual symptoms, this holistic system looks for the relationship among seemingly unrelated symptoms, thus arriving at an understanding of a patient’s landscape of whole mind and body.
Chinese medical practitioners have been treating everything from neurological issues, pain, digestive disorders, asthma, infertility and more for a very long time. The strength of this system of medicine is how the body and mind are viewed through a simple yet sophisticated lens.
Since 2004, our practice has been treating men, women and teens in the following areas:
Mental Health & Wellness:
Stress relief
Burn out
Pain Relief:
Back pain
Neck pain
Digestive Health:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Acid reflux
Respiratory infection
Autoimmune conditions
Our Tool Box
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy are our core modalities. For certain conditions it is useful to order labs, support liver detox and heal the gut for optimal healing. The digestive system is deeply interconnected with the immune system, mental health, inflammation and more. We often spend time on the gut as a foundation for lasting health. A detailed intake, stool analysis, liver detox, nutritional support, acupuncture and herbs are all tools we can use to heal the gut.
Do you have more questions before getting started?
Are you ready to schedule your first appointment?
Anne Chiaramonte, M.S., L.Ac., FABORM, is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist (2004) and a board-certified fellow in acupuncture reproductive medicine (2009). Anne’s particular interest in women’s health led her to Australia to study with Jane Lyttleton, author of “Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine” and to San Francisco to work with Lifang Liang, author of “Acupuncture and IVF.” In 2009, Anne became part of one of the country’s first on-site acupuncture programs at an IVF clinic, located at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco.
Anne founded Arrive Reproductive Medicine as a unique acupuncture practice dedicated to supporting women with cycle-related concerns, fertility challenges and burnout. When she’s not in the clinic seeing patients, you can find Anne listening to podcasts while doing water aerobics, juggling parenting responsibilities or snuggling with her two boys.