Bringing the Best
of Ancient Medicine to Women’s Health
Based in Santa Cruz, Anne Chiaramonte, L.Ac., FABORM is a board-certified reproductive acupuncturist specializing in fertility, IVF support, pregnancy and gynecology.
Chinese medicine has been supporting women for three thousand years. Rooted in this ancient medicine, our practice specializes in acupuncture and herbal therapy. Principles of holistic western medicine are folded into our approach to deliver a custom treatment plan for you - a plan that treats the root and not just symptoms.
What We Treat
Fertility & Infertility
Are you thinking about having children? Have you been trying to conceive for a while? Whether you are just starting your journey or have been trying for some time, we can build a comprehensive fertility plan that is customized just for you.
IVF/IUI Support
Research continues to show the significant benefits of acupuncture alongside western fertility treatments. Our board-certified team knows how to integrate care with your medications and procedures to give you the best chance possible.
Gynecology & Menopause
We treat women at every stage of life. We help teens suffering from painful periods and women going through menopause. Acupuncture regulates many hormonal conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.
Health & Wellness
Are you burned out? Do you want to get to the bottom of a chronic health issues? Integrating both Chinese medicine and functional medicine, our practice supports patients with digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, pain and more.
Do you have more questions before getting started?
Are you ready to schedule your first appointment?

Anne Chiaramonte, L.Ac., FABORM
Licensed Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbalist
Fellow, American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine
“To ‘arrive’ is to reach your destination, and also to begin again. We all get off track in how we take care of ourselves in our busy lives. I founded Arrive as a place for patients to catch their breath, get centered and reconnect with themselves. What I love about my practice is listening to my patients and creating a custom treatment plan that reflects their personal health intentions. After 15 years in practice, I continue to be in awe of how relevant Chinese medicine is in women’s healthcare today. Not only is it effective, but the wisdom underlying the medicine is wisdom we can keep coming back to at each stage of life.”
Acupuncturist Anne Chiaramonte - Santa Cruz, CA
What’s New

Pregnant After Unsuccessful IVF
“I started seeing Anne almost twelve years ago when I experienced some infertility issues. She was amazing from the start. She is a wonderful listener, very knowledgeable, thoughtful, sensitive, thorough and very kind. She never appears rushed and I always completely relax when I walk into her practice. Anne saw me through a couple rounds of IVF, two miscarriages, and the birth of a perfect, beautiful healthy baby boy. I truly believe that acupuncture and the treatment that Anne offered had a lot to do with that pregnancy. I was 43 when I delivered our son. I am forever grateful. Anne is an exceptional practitioner and I highly recommend her.” —M.H.